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Yahsin Wu

(image source: Nature Made)

Brand: Nature Made

Probiotics, Gummies


Have you heard of probiotics before? Probiotics are also known as “live bacteria,” and this caused numerous stereotypes about probiotics. For example, people may think that probiotics are germs that result in diseases or microbes that make you want to poop. However, probiotics are friendly bacteria, and they exist almost everywhere in our life, such as in yogurts and cheese.

Medical Uses:

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that live in our bodies, especially in guts, mouth, vagina, urinary tract, skin, and lungs. Next, probiotics contain numerous microorganisms; surprisingly, everyone has a different combination of probiotics. Nevertheless, there is a requirement for microbes to be probiotics.

  1. Be isolated from a human.

  2. Survive in your intestine after ingestion (being eaten).

  3. Have a proven benefit to you.

  4. Be safely consumed.

Although the combination may be different, microorganisms, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces boulardii, are the three main microorganism groups in probiotics. Each of them has various effects and health benefits. Lactobacillus helps kill harmful bacteria to protect you from illnesses, and Bifidobacterium plays a big role in boosting immunity. Equally importantly, Saccharomyces boulardii benefits the digestive system and fights diarrhea.

Probiotics focus on maintaining a healthy balance in our bodies. As mentioned above, probiotics will fight against bad bacteria and restore our immune function. Furthermore, probiotics maybe help with the conditions that are listed below:

  1. Diarrhea

  2. Constipation

  3. Inflammatory bowel disease

  4. Irritable bowel syndrome

  5. Yeast infections

  6. Urinary tract infections

  7. Gum disease

  8. Lactose intolerance

  9. Eczema

  10. Upper respiratory infections

  11. Sepsis


The Food and Drug Administration regulated probiotics as food instead medications. Moreover, probiotics are considered safe and do not cause any harm. Nonetheless, it is not a promise that you will not get any side effects from eating too many probiotics. Therefore, asking your doctor if you are good at taking probiotics and how many you should take is recommended.


You may take probiotics through supplements or food, such as:

  1. Yogurts

  2. Kefir

  3. Sauerkraut

  4. Tempeh

  5. Kimchi

  6. Kombucha

  7. Pickles

  8. Traditional buttermilk

  9. Natto

  10. Cheese



Mikstas, Christine. "What Are Probiotics?" WebMD, 1 Apr. 2022,

"Probiotics." Cleveland Clinic, 9 Mar. 2020,

"Probiotics." NHS, 24 Nov. 2022,,%22%20or%20%22friendly%22%20bacteria.

"Probiotics: What You Need To Know." National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Accessed 27 June 2023.

Warwick, Kathy W. "11 Probiotic Foods That Are Super Healthy." healthline, 3 July 2023,


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